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All images/artwork on this website are the property of Bending Tree Ranch and may not be reproduced without written permission.
 Copyright © 2001-201
6 all rights reserved



Looking to add "MEAT" and hardiness
to your offspring without digging deep into your pockets for a quality herdsire?

Introducing "White Boy" 50/50 TMG/Boer buck
(owned by Critterhill in Yoakum, TX)

Sire: BTR Isaiah, TMG buck          Dam: fullblood Boer doe
These are "examples only" of White Boy's offspring
Please contact <>for sales list of White Boy's offspring.

White Boy dgtr out of a LaBoer doe        White Boy dgtr out of a fullblood Boer doe
More Examples of excellent quality Commercial goats

twin doelings sired by a TMG quality Myotonic buck over a LaBoer doe
These does will produce excellent, meaty show wethers as well as fast growing, meaty slaughter kids


This young doe was sired by a 3/4 Boer 1/4 Myo buck over a Boer/dairy cross doe
She is now producing show winning wethers 

50 % TMG/50% Boer doelings

50 % TMG/ 50% Boer doeling

Bridgette (left) is a TMG/LaMancha cross doe. The doeling is her daughter out of a TMG herdsire.

Sister to Bridgette sired by a Boer buck and another Lamancha cross doe out of a TMG sire






Come on in and visit a while and check out some of our breeding stock and kids. 
Visits in person to BTR are welcome too. 
Just drop us a line or give us a phone call to set up a convenient time.

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Bending Tree Ranch
Damascus, AR
Phone: 501-679-4936