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All images/artwork on this website are the property of Bending Tree Ranch and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Copyright © 2001-2018.  All Rights Reserved

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Welcome to our Ranch Page

The Bending Tree

Best friends


Who said Myotonics can't run?

Run, George, Run!!!!

Anatolian Pup, Susie Q and her goat

In Memory of our sweet Lydia

Hi, Mom!!

Which is the real cat?

Parade time...........

Bred Pasture does

Nap time for Zsa-Zsa

In Memory of Sassy Britches & Sabrina

Attacking hay.........

Attack Rooster

Ear attack!!

Another day hard at work.....

I love my kitty......

Mia kiss

Samsun, Anatolian Shepherd

In memory of sweet, gentle Dan

Samsun watching his charges
RIP to the best Anatolian LGD
You served your goats well!

browsing in the woods

There's what on my head?
But I don't want to be an Easter flower....


Custom Hayracks........we have tried everyway possible to stop the goats from wasting hay when fed round hay bales. Finally, someone has built one that is working to keep the waste down, no heads getting stuck and a wonderful roof to provide shelter. To order these built to custom fit your bales of hay please contact our friend, Ware Russell at 870-574-2169 or
Be sure to tell Ware that Bending Tree Ranch sent you.